Sisters Investigation of the Paranormal Services


'So You have a Ghost ?  

  If you believe that there is something like a ghost, then it is up to you to educate yourself in understanding what it is you are up agianst. All groups and individuals do their investigations the way they believe is the right way. There are no experts on ghosts, or the paranoramal hunting. Some people are more serious than others. Hopefully reading this article will give you a few pointers to begain with. We start every investigation with good since of directions. Sometimes these are easy to do, or we have to ask around until we find what it is we are looking for. So we can find someone in that area for help. We start with the history of the land. We may not find anything doing so.This is the fun part of it for us.


   Flashlights with extra batteries is a must. A camera. 35mm and/or Newer digital cameras are just as good in quality that you can use them as the only camera during a ghost hunt. Even though you will have a hard time proving the photo is real. I truly feel like if you do capture a full fledged in your face apparition with any camera, people will probably doubt the photo anyway. There are many photography tricks that people can use with any camera to fool others. So that being said, other equipment you may use is thermometers to measure the air tempeture. Are often to report that ghosts create cold spots from pulling the energy they need to survive from the surrounding environment. Extra batteries are important also, energy can be pulled from those as well. Even having new batteries can suddenly go dead. A voice recorder is helpful if you are trying to capture ghostly voices and sounds.  EMF meters are sometimes used. We currently do not use one. A video camera is another option for gathering evidence. 

Have fun but be serious enough to be safe.

 Some things to do:
Take lots of photos. Do not delete photos from your digital camera. Always load all of them to the computer to double check.
 Tell the photo place you want all of your photos, even the bad ones. If you are using a film camera. They might throw out something because they thought it was bad.
Note the time, weather, placement of any lights, shiny objects or odd feelings. Also note the place of the moon, we had a photo that produced a strange bright orb, only to remember the moon was in that area
Most important-Have fun! 

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty
Suggest us to anyone who may need help in these areas of the unknown.