Sisters Investigation of the Paranormal Services

Paul Fredrick MenStyle

About submitting your ghost photos or Videos

   To submit a photo or video clip for consideration of posting, you can simply attach it to an email. The limit is three per email submission (preferably). Please include a brief summery and the conditions at the time. Please include your full name, city & state in order to help protect you under copyright. It should also be mentioned on what you are submitting "orb" photos are accepted if they are extremely unusual. We are able to offer personal photo analysis.

   By submitting your photograph, you agree to give Sisters Investigation of Paranormal Services the right to use it in any of it's publishing ventures. The exciting thing is that your photo could eventually end up in a book or Magazine!" You retain full copyright privileges and you are listed as the owner/submitter.

  Your ghost stories is a place where you can find all kinds of resources regarding real ghost and true hauntings cases, but most importantly, it is for sharing,reading and publishing real ghost stories from people like yourself. It has come to our attention that many people has had some kind of unexplain exeriences, it can make a great way to reading and learning about these new worlds on the other side. Yes at times it can be very disurbing for some folks. Leaving us wondering what is happening or are they trying to talk to us from the other side for some odd reason. 

  All Your Ghost Stories is your source for real ghost experiences, haunted places, psychics, mediums, the study of the paranormal, parapsychology, metaphysics, spiritualism and spirituality. We are interested in stories from readers like you, if you have experienced any kind of psychic, occult or metaphysical event related to ghosts, spirits and hauntings, especially if you are a ghost hunter, psychic, medium, spiritual advisor yourself, please feel free to submit it! 

Do you have a Question, Theory or Experience to share?

To ask a question or share a ghostly experience, we would ask that you do that on the Sisters Investigation of Paranormal Services Blog / community board. You can find a link to it on the main Blog or you can post it in the comments of S.I.P.Services.

If you are a ghost or spirit 

  In accordance with our research we are completely open to ghosts, spirits and other unseen beings writing to us. Those with special abilities are welcome to speak on the behave of the dead. Anything you can tell us about your existence or how you perceive us would be most appreciated. We are here to understand as much as possible.

Ghost related Questions?  

  If you have a specific question regarding ghosts, goblins or the afterlife, you are welcome to write the S.I.P.Services directly! 

  Please understand that we receive a large amount of mail on a daily basis and are thereby are answered in order of priority & sincerity. Also remember at there is a well organized message board available to answer questions & find support.

Suggest us to anyone who may need help in these areas of the unknown.